Using the Flourishing Capital bot for the first time — Managing your portfolio

Flourishing Madi
5 min readMay 20, 2021

Today was a day that bewildered our portfolios, said farewell to the weak hands and offered handshakes to the ones left standing. This was the day that Bitcoin decided to drop a knife from the peak of Mount Everest while we watched it fall to its trough. It was a tough day indeed. Bitcoin was a falling knife.

Bitcoin dropped 34% from it’s high. Eth dropped 32%. The average Flourishing AI portfolio dropped 5.9%.

Users of the Flourishing Capital Bot have statistically been able to prevent losses on their portfolios by using FAI’s deep learning blockchain analysis and high frequency trading platform. It rebalances portfolio composition, often many times a minute to protect profits in moments right before unexpected price action. Prevention is key. The FAI bot is highly versatile and will keep your assets safely tucked away when a downfall is on the horizon or allow your funds to flourish in times when your coin is gaining momentum.

Let’s get started with the basics


  1. Telegram (
    Join our telegram channels
    Bot: Add user @flourishingcryptobot
  2. Signup on Bittrex and/or Binance and follow instructions from the exchange
  3. Deposit Cryptocurrency into the exchange
    Click here for a Bittrex Tutorial
    Click here for Binance Tutorial
    Minimum Investment- .05 BTC, Recommended Investment- 10K USDT
  4. Get started on the exchanges

You will have control of your own funds and can turn the bot on/off as you wish. Once enabled, the bot will automatically trade your funds and manage your portfolio on the exchange.

Getting started on Bittrex

1. Open a Bittrex account

2. Enable 2 Factor Authentication in Bittrex.

3. Open Your Bittrex API Keys settings and click on “Add new key” and make sure “Read Info and Trade” are enabled.
Important: Click on Save Your Key and your secret seed will appear. Keep these in a secure location. This is the ONLY TIME you will see your API secret, make sure you save it now!

4. Type /start in the chat

5. Bot will instruct you to PM it

6. PM the bot /start bittrex yourkey yoursecret (this will not turn on autotrading yet, more instructions will follow after you get to this step).

Getting started on Binance

We are currently only working with accounts and plan on expanding to accounts in the future.

1. Open a Binance account

2. Go to a Leveraged ETP market on Binance and accept the risk disclaimer to trade ETPs.

3. Go to API Management

4. Enter the Key Label “Flourishing Capital” and click Create

5. Click Get Code and wait for the email from Binance with your code

6. Enter the code that came to your email from Binance

7. Enter your 2fa code if necessary

8. “API Key” and “Secret Key” show up. Make sure to save your Key and Secret somewhere safe!

Note: This is the ONLY TIME you will see your API secret, make sure you save it now!

9. Type /start in the chat

10. Bot will instruct you to PM it

11. PM the bot /start binance yourkey yoursecret (this will not turn on autotrading yet, more instructions will follow after you get to this step).


In order to pay for the bot, set it up with your USDT wallet.

1. /set wallet usdt (wallet address)

2. The bot will show you the balance of your wallet — if not, there is an error either on your end or ours.

3. Send money via your wallet to 0xCC2aF90E8332AE4Ee8733CFF5Db535Aac7545359 for the fees. The fees must be USDT, BUSD, USDC, and FAI ERC20 tokens only.

Why associate the wallet with the bot? Well, if you don’t, then when you send money, the bot won’t associate your fee payment with your account therefore you will get errors on the backend regarding payment and admins must fix it manually causing a delay in funds.

Anchormode & Other Trading Modes

Flourishing Capital bot has several modes for trading. Anchormode lets you decide what is most important to you when it comes to earning money. Anchormode is the best way to control risk and to customize what you want to build. Remember, risk is something to consider with trading and depending on your tolerance for risk, you should decide accordingly.

/set anchormode btc — If you want to gain BTC (or satoshis)

/set anchormode usdt — If you want the bot to trade and gain tether (or US dollars)

/set anchormode neutral — Use a combination of both

/set conservative on
/set conservative off
Trade stable coins only continuously as a way to manage risk

/set bittrex fiat — Use fiat to arbitrage stablecoins,Conservative mode and fiat mode are similar, just fiat mode uses actual USD to trade vs tether/BTC.

/set binance useleverage on
/set binance useleverage off
If you want to use leverage on Binance only,

/set anchormode btc
/set conservative on
If you want to just hodl BTC, set the anchormode to btc and turn conservative mode on. This will exit you out of all alt positions and put all of your money into BTC. This is most useful when newer traders are coming into the market and invest heavily into BTC.

Canceling and selling coins

/cancel #coin — In order to cancel a trade but keep the coin
/cancel sell — In order to cancel a trade and immediately sell

Group Commands for the Bot

If you would like data posted in your chat regarding movements on the block chain, liquidations, and other useful information for trading, please type “/set post on” after adding the bot to your channel.

/i uniswap:coin —Bot analysis of any uniswap market pair.

/graphGet a graph on the pair example /graph usdt-btc

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Flourishing Madi

Cryptocurrency Enthusiast with a love of all things blockchain. Marketing for Flourishing Capital - FlourishingAI